


Surrogacy is a family-building arrangement where a woman, known as the surrogate or gestational carrier, agrees to carry and give birth to a child for another person or couple (the intended parents). There are two main types of surrogacy:

  • Traditional Surrogacy: The surrogate's own egg is used, making her the biological mother of the child.
  • Gestational Surrogacy: An embryo created from the intended parents' eggs and sperm, or from donor gametes, is transferred to the surrogate's uterus. She has no genetic link to the child.

Why is Surrogacy Needed?

Surrogacy serves as a path to parenthood for individuals and couples who:

  • Face Medical Conditions: Women with an absent or non-functional uterus, or those with medical conditions making pregnancy unsafe, may opt for surrogacy.
  • Experience Recurrent Miscarriages: Surrogacy may be an alternative after multiple pregnancy losses.
  • Are in Same-sex Male Relationships: Surrogacy enables gay men to build their families.
  • Have Unsuccessful Fertility Treatments: Surrogacy might be the next step when other fertility treatments have failed.

PadmaSri IVF Center recognizes that surrogacy is complex, involving medical, legal, and emotional aspects. We offer a comprehensive program that guides intended parents and surrogates through every step, including:

  • Surrogate Matching: Finding the right surrogate based on preferences and needs.
  • Medical Coordination: Management of IVF treatment, embryo transfer, and pregnancy care.
  • Legal Support: Ensuring all parties have legal representation and contracts are in place.
  • Emotional Support: Offering counseling and resources throughout the journey.

We understand the importance of providing compassionate care and comprehensive support to both intended parents and surrogates, ensuring a positive and fulfilling surrogacy experience for all involved.